Our courses


This course is for you, who wants to learn more about establishing a Christmas tree production, methods and work processes attached to the initial work in the Christmas tree plantation. Throughout the course, you will be walked through every step of the start-up of the production, from plant selection to choosing the soil type for the optimal production.

The course is both theoretical and practical, meaning that you get a theoretical understanding supplemented with practical experience. The practical education takes place in the field, where we get a better understanding of techniques and methods of establishing a Christmas tree culture. To create the best learning environment, every class has a maximum of 10 participants per instructor.

The course is taking place spring – dates will be announced January.
The price is 525 €, incl. dinner, breakfast and lunch.
The duration of the course is two days.

The course goes through the following subjects:
- Soil preparation
- Plant selection
- Types of plants
- Methods of planting
- Visit to a nursery


This course is for you, who wants to achieve a greater knowledge of different methods of cutting trees and how to treat the trees in different age stages. The course will introduce you to the different methods, present the theory relating to the methods, and bring you out in the field, where you will learn the practical skills.

More than that, you will become acquainted with the different tools, and learn how to identify the most effective tools for you and your production. To ensure the most beneficial learning environment, every course has maximum 10 participants per instructor.

The course takes place in March:
The price is 250 € incl. lunch.
The duration of the course is one day.

The course will touch upon the following subjects:
- The trees’ reaction to being cut
- Cutting technique in young trees
- Cutting technique in older trees
- Tools for cutting


This course is for you, who wants to achieve a greater knowledge of width and hight reduction of Christmas trees. The course goes through the techniques behind nipping, both in theory and practice, meaning the course participants are prepared to treat their own trees straight away. The course also touches upon the different treatment methods in leader reduction and the theories tied to the methods. The course last a day, but thoroughly goes through the necessary processes in the Christmas tree production.

The courses take place Spring - the dates will be announced April
The price is 200 € incl. lunch.

The course will touch upon the following subjects:
- Nipping
Leader reduction
- Topstop
- Easyroller and different agents used in this method


This course is for you, who wants to achieve a greater knowledge of what type of fertilizing and spraying methods will lead to the best results in your production. The course is mostly theoretical, but is also taking place in the field, where the effects of the different treatments can be observed. The course touches upon different fertilizing and spraying methods, identification of wrongdoers, as well as proper treatment. The course will touch upon the theory behind the use of different fertilizers, treatment time, and reasons to treat with different fertilizers.

The course takes place in the Spring – the date will be announced January.
The price is 525 € and is incl. dinner, breakfast and lunch.
The duration of the course is two days.

The course will touch upon the following subjects:
- Spraying fertilizer
- Basic fertilizing
- Split fertilizing

Spraying treatment of:
- Weed, both ground herbicide and leaf herbicide
- Lice
- Algae
- Fungus
- Blight


This course is for you, who wants to achieve a greater knowledge of the handeling of Christmas trees, a better understanding of the international Christmas tree market and its influence on sale and production.

The course will guide you through the necessary steps of production in the sales year of a Christmas tree, will introduce you to different sales possibilities and the influence the choice of sales have on your production. To ensure the most beneficial learning environment the course has maximum 10 participants per instructor.

The course takes place in October.
The price is 525 € and is incl. dinner, breakfast and lunch.
The duration of the course is two days.

The course will touch upon the following subject in theory and practice:
- Labelling classes and heights
- The international Christmas tree market, with a visit from a buyer
- Cutting trees
- Dragging trees out
- Netting
- Palletizing
- Logistics
- Loading
- Complaints and collateral.

Call Maja for more information

+45 28 78 26 77