All our instructors have worked in with Christmas trees for
many years, which ensures a high academic level.

Mads B. Madsen
Mads has an education in ap-degree agro business and landscaping, specializing in landscaping. With foundation in his degree, Mads has a strong theoretical knowledge of plants, which he, in combination with many years experience in Christmas tree production, uses to create a greater understanding of the Christmas tree as a plant, as well as large number of weeds. Since 2013, Mads has been attached to several projects focusing on developing different spraying fertilizers, an area he also touched upon in his education. Mads has great experience with the mechanical part of the Christmas tree production and has, among others, developed a machine for digging up trees to sell in pots.
The Christmas Tree Academy is not thought as a course you simply put away when you finish it. Hopefully, it will be the foundation to a network the growers can use in the future.

Maja B. K. Madsen
Maja has a master’s degree in literature and is combining this degree in communication with more than 10 years experience in the business.
Maja has been with Madsen Trees since 2006 and has throughout the years worked with every part of the Christmas tree production, both in theory and practice. Maja has great experience with sale, marketing and has a great knowledge of the European Christmas tree market
Exchange of knowledge between the growers is a great benefit for all Christmas tree growers. By doing so, we all get more skilled and learn from each other’s processes instead of repeating the same mistakes.

Lars B. Madsen
Lars has through the last 30 years been working in the Christmas tree production and has a large production of spruce in addition to his production of Nordman trees. More than this, he has worked with types such as Picea Omorika, Douglas and Noble Fir. Lars has developed the Easyroller for leader reduction in Nordman trees and has developed different spraying fertilizers for optimizing the Christmas tree production.
The course at the Christmas Tree Academy was an intense weekend with a lot of information, which I, for sure, can transfer directly to my work in my own plantation.
På Juletræsakademiet fik vi virkelig mulighed for at dykke ned i teorien, så nu kan jeg meget bedre forstå, hvorfor jeg skal behandle mine træer som jeg skal – fordi jeg har en større forståelse for hvordan træerne reagerer på behandlingen.
Det smarte ved Juletræsakademiets kurser er, at jeg kan tage på lige præcis det kursus som handler om det stadie mine træer er på – og så kan jeg senere tage et nyt kursus, når jeg får brug for ny viden.
Undervejs i kurset havde vi besøg af en ekstern underviser. Det gav virkelig en oplevelse af at underviserne var vidende og passionerede omkring de emner de fortalte om.